New post! Of the year 2011. I just saw a nice video on TED where the guy says it really helps him to have a diary. I think I shall keep one now. My memory isn't as good as I touted it to be. And there are some extraneous reasons why it really isn't the sharpest; those who know me, probably know what I am talking about ;)
So today, 12 July, during this 3 month vacation from Neuroscience, I have been doing a lot of creative stuff. Stuff. Just stuff.
Today I met Gideon, Purav, Eduard Leonard Fanthome (I love pronouncing his name), Kimberly Melissa Ann Roga (another nice name) and Sukhi, who is mostly sukhi. I had fun today to say the least. Vijaynagar is awesome; hot but awesome, dirty and fascinating. The people, their daily activities, the amalgamated buildings with a will-work-for-the-time-being infrastructure, everything is cool. Thats why we were filming something which turned out to be crap, but funny crap indeed.
I am hoping for more such sessions to come. I need a camera of my own soon, I really want to film.